Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Missing Link - duh!!

"Be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind..." Romans 12:2

My mind is in continual need of renewing.

I start the day intent on loving God and those around me, then get waylaid with my agenda ("it's the list and it needs to get done!"), my irritations ("if one more kid leaves one more mess to clean up...I'll kill 'em"), or my struggles ("how can God use such a clay pot like me...I've got so many cracks!??").
And when I find myself smack in the middle of these, the last thing I naturally do is to search out & meditate/read/dwell and then act on His truth. I'm too caught up in the "problem"--which is someone or something else, of course!
("Hey", the Bible questions, "have you checked your own heart in this?" ---and so hits the 'heart' of the issue with a dead-on bullseye.)

Why do I so often miss what's so obvious?
God's Word isn't just for Sunday, my morning quiet time, or some-other-time-of-the-week Bible study...its truth is for every moment that I live. I need its transfusing power & piercing insight continually, when things go haywire, and even (perhaps especially) when I think I'm doing okay.

I know I can't read it 24/7, even if I were to get those "Bible on CD" sets and a really good pair of ear buds (tempting!)

But how I long to love His Word like the Psalmist (Ps 119:103,111), to meditate on & delight in it day & night (Ps. 1), to receive its rich & powerful cleansing (Heb. 4:12), to reap the renewal of my heart from all the messages of sin & this world as I ever so subtly become conformed to it (Rom. 12:2).

It is through His Word that He transforms as His Spirit works in the heart.

Jesus' prayer to His father indicated His desire in this area, too:
"Sanctify them in the truth; thy Word is truth." John 17:17

Help me be a faithful lover of your Word..and that means I must read and meditate and follow it...continually. My own heart is desperately unreliable.

Renew away.

1 comment:

  1. I've got a lovely, pink, zippered case of the NT on Cd, read by women, if you've got the earbuds:) Thanks for the encouragement.


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