At a conference I attended recently, the speaker stated,
Those around us may not remember much of what we say or who we are, but they will remember what was most important to us because that is what we’ll repeatedly be talking about & living for.
To paraphrase, they’ll remember our passion.
What is yours?
If you (if I) died tonight and people gathered tomorrow and filled in the following sentence about your (my) life, what would it say?
The passion of (fill in the blank) ________'s life was ____________.
There are lots of options. Look around you; what do you see people living for?
As a woman, it could be:
**Myself: pleasurable feelings, fulfillment, achievement, my way (admirably for the good of others around me, of course—‘cause I know best)
**My kids (feeding them organically, educating them properly, training them Biblically, clothing them attractively –or economically, etc, )
**My job (providing income for our needs, doing my best, accolade, achievement)
**Getting my ‘list’ done each day (making sure everything runs ‘smoothly’)
**Getting the most out of life (vacations, movies, excursions, comfort, fun)
**My appearance, my home’s appearance, my family’s appearance (fitness, latest styles, decorating, shopping for optimal fashion, organization & efficiency )
**My kids’ education & performance in all the extra curriculars (demanding schedules, limited family time, schedules conflict with spiritual opportunities)
**Politics, the economy, righting the wrongs of society, being ‘eco-friendly’
I’m sure I’ve forgotten some. And some of the above could be Biblically supported as fulfilling our God-ordained roles
But at the end of my life, as I walk before God to (hopefully) hear His words, “Well done”, will any of these be what I'll want to hold up before Him as my passion? As the ultimate area of importance to me?
("Here God, I tried to make sure my children had an appreciation for good music; remember all those hours of practice I drilled into them?!!”
or “Beef with no hormones…my child’s room with a made bed…a hairstyle that hid my gray and a wardrobe that hid most of my flaws…an accumulation of crossed off ‘to-do’ lists…or kids that had a transcript that could rival most Harvard grads, etc….)
I acknowledge that some of these (and other areas) can be valid offshoots of a greater (more significant) passion, great.
But in and of themselves, is this what I want to define me? (and perhaps in my time & attn spent right now, really does?!)
Because I need to make sure that what I think defines me (as my passion) is really where my time, attention & interest is spent…and that those around me would easily identify it as my true passion.
I may think something grand & noble as my passion, but if my husband and kids immediately fill in the above sentence (from real life experience) as:
--picking up their stuff and getting their homework done.
--“Straighten up your act, don’t you know people are watching!”
--“Jump in the car, we’re off to another activity to have fun”
--“Studying is what gets you ahead; is your homework done, is it done WELL?”
--“I’m pooped; can’t you help out a little more?; life is one duty after another"
Something in our passion equation is not adding up properly.
What is your passion?
If your kids/husband/closest friend answered that question right now about you, what would they say?
**What do you talk about most often, most excitedly, most passionately?
**What do you enjoy doing, most naturally, most often, most passionately?
**What do you think about, dream about, plan for, most desire?
**What do you discipline yourself to do because it is that important to you?
This is your passion.
It will escape; and this will be what you are known for.
May our hearts explode with one singular passion that is clearly known by all. The passion that Christ identified as most important:
“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and all your soul, and all your mind. This is the first and great commandment.” Matt. 22:37
Let it be said of us, that this is our passion!
Can you sing with me (at least in spirit)….
“Let it be said of us, that the Lord was our passion.
That with gladness we bore every cross we were given.
That we fought the good fight, that we finished the course.
Knowing within us the power of the risen Lord.
May the cross be our glory, may the Lord be our song.
By mercy made holy, by the Spirit made strong.
Let the cross be our glory, and the Lord be our song.
Till the likeness of Jesus is through us made known.
Let the cross be our glory and the Lord be our song.”
The Lord. The Cross. His glory.
That’s a passion I can live for, die with, and bring before God.
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