Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Meeting of Mass Destruction - Part 2

The story of the imagined Satanic meeting continues....

The room felt heavy with the presence of evil intent. Individual creatures of darkness hovered to catch the next detail about their leader’s plan, clammering on top of one another to get closer to the eruptive words of wickedness spewing from the volcanic depths of the one speaking…

“This design of God for the sexes…Such pure magnificence by the Creator! This will be most fruitful to attack for in it seen so much of the wisdom, artistry and goodness of the Creator.

We must target this!”

"It is beautiful in its picture of provision for man and woman; for each is given the strengths to complement the other’s weaknesses; we, however, will distort & attack its beauty by pitting man against woman, scoffing at their differences & attacking the other as idiots & inferior."
"This plan of the Holy One is also efficient in its completing of man & women—for they are better equipped to glorify Him together than they could ever be alone; we instead will question & assault these differences & cause them to compete against the other in their roles."
Lastly, it is wise in its dispersal of roles for man & woman; each is given that task which the Holy One uniquely equipped him to excel in; however, we will promote this as discrimination & twist its goodness into evil, making them doubt not only God’s plan as good, but the One who made the plan as well as the partner they look to in loving relationships. We’ll paint the other out to be power hungry, self-seeking & eventually, we’ll tell them that the other gender is actually the enemy trying to rob them of something good.

“Oh Evil One?” the slow in mind being at the back chimed in, “How can this be accomplished? The Christians have the Words of Truth as penned in Scripture. This design of the Holy One is clearly explained. His goodness drips from the pages of these writings & they have only to watch all around them as they see God’s goodness in the safety & protection of marriages, families, and the wonder of God’s church community which provides a second kind of family. "
"How can we every hope to sway them from such obvious goodness in this design? I do not mean to doubt you, but how is this possible?!!”

“We will do it!” the Evil One screamed, and then slowly lowering his voice continued…
“We will do it in a thousand subtle ways:
· through the sinfulness of their own hearts which is so quick to lead astray in all areas of life & ask “is God really good in this?”
· through a culture without God to whom we’ll tell everything backwards…as we’ll promote our commands and make God’s ways out to be old fashioned, unpopular, or just downright stupid?!
· Through our influence even with the Christians to put their Bibles up on a shelf, to listen instead to popular people in their culture, to keep God in a box to take out on Sundays---but not to believe His ways for the rest of life.
· To get them to focus on the failures of people and think these failures are really God’s. There will be many fathers who will fail to lead their homes well---even Christian men—and we will hold them up as proof that God’s design is faulty! We will hold up women who forsake the honorable position as mother & instead trade their lives for a paycheck or career---we’ll promote this lifestyle as fulfilling, alluring & honorable. It will be empty & false, but we will not let them know until it is too late.
· And, (he chuckled as he spoke of this devious detail), we will lure the hearts away of these Christians from God. We will display pleasures, and possessions, and having life easy, and having life my way, and having lots of fun---we’ll paint it across the sky in all of life around them. And slowly….we will lure their hearts away from God as a snake charmer lures a snake to dance in front of him.
The goodness of the Holy One is there, it is a design of magnificence that brilliantly displays His love & wisdom for each of His followers. (And the Word of God does clearly spell out all of this….for the faithful who read, believe & follow it. )
But our plan will be to stand intensely in battle against all this. Take arms, my fellow enemies of the Most High God, let us rise to fight. “Fight on’” the chant began in unison, louder & louder, “Fight on…Fight On….To the Death!!!”

And centuries later, the attack continues.

One specific assault armed at your heart, at your faith in God’s goodness, at your obedience to His good design threatens to impact you. It may not be in the specific form of an evil being with an actual fiery dart in hand, but it is an assault from Hell.
Trust the design of God.

Rest in its goodness & obey its call.

Serve God through your womanhood boldly and joyfully.

Go ahead....thwart the meeting of destruction!

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