Monday, June 8, 2009

Resistance - a SuperMom's Familiar Nemesis!

I awoke to the thunderstorm and smiled as I realized, ‘It’s summer vacation!’ No kids to get up & off to the bus, no lunches to make, no sleepy bodies to try to rouse prematurely from their slumber. Our home could awaken slowly amid the warmth of a dry, cozy home as we listened to the rain and thunder outside.
It was finally here: summer!
Images of carefree days, sunny afternoons spent doing kid stuff together, all flooded my mind as I arose & began my day. I enjoy so much the time spent with my kids as schedules aren’t so demanding, homework responsibilities have been completed, and time demands seem less overbearing.
It is summer vacation; enjoy, relax…’smiles…smiles everyone!’ (remember “Fantasy Island?!)
Reality then promptly crashes in to crumple my postcard perfect images.
“Why do I have to eat breakfast, I’m not hungry!” (this at 9:45 am)
“What do you mean, ‘summer guidelines’? This is as bad as school!”
“Chores?” (“I had explained, ‘one chore each morning’”) “This is summer, c’mon, Mom!’”
In just a few brief moments, it had exploded: whine….bad attitude…resistance….disrespect… more resistance…ugliness…big-time icky
It all fit in very well with the weather!
I disappeared to my room, entering my all too familiar phonebooth where I could don my superparent costume. (A little snug in this midlife stage of my life, but that’s another issue).
I pull it on & remind myself: parenting is many things, but most often and most consistently, it is a fight against evil.
It is a continual battle against all sorts of sinister villains which reside within my children’s hearts.
And the battle most often is demonstrated in the actions of their resistance.
My role as caped crusader is to hold the line and stand strong against this resistance.
Patiently, lovingly, without anger, but stoicly holding the line…high!
**We will fill these summer days with worthy pursuits: reading, working, ministering, learning.
**We will have TV limits, video game guidelines, chore expectations, bedtime & sleeping in limits.
**We will provide (require!) structure so that Bible reading and other important elements won’t ‘slide’ to the side & be eventually forgotten amid the more ‘fun’ pursuits of immaturity.
**We will balance the opportunity of summer flexibility with the stewardship of investing God’s truth & priorities in young lives through purposeful living---and not let an ‘anything goes’ mentality take over.
And, of course, all this will be met with resistance.
But an experienced SuperMom is well accustomed to this assault.
And so I straightened my cape, adjusted my black mask, and stood a bit taller as I left the phonebooth on that rainy morning.
The safety of my corner of “Gotham City” is at risk.
With God’s help, I will respond with honor and strength.

1 comment:

  1. I think a "relaxing summer vacation" is an oxymoron.
    I remember those days. Fighting the resistance. Holding the line. Although, I don't remember having a cape or phone booth. Obviously, you have a larger supermom budget than I did.


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