Monday, August 3, 2009

The Image of God in You - part 2

"Created in the image of God"
You are an image bearer.

Consider just a sampling of the different nuances of individuals that give opportunity to reflect and display the glory of God...

How are you doing?

Creativity: if it is artistry, or imagination, or beauty that flows from your heart in longing to create, expand, display or design, this part of you is opportunity to display the image of God as He is the origin and genius of creative masterpiece. Display his image in your creativity in magnificence and splendor. Waste it not in trivial pursuits; neglect it to the robbery of His glory!

Relational: if it is conversation, connection, perception and friendship that drives you, this is your image bearing specialty. Live it to His purposes (evangelism and encouragement), walk it in His priorities (conversation about Him, warning about other lesser loves, stirring up others to love and good works), and display the beauty and unity of the ultimate relationship—Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Don’t invest relationship pleasures only in self pursuit—relate for His glory to and with another!

Scholarship: If study, learning and further education excite you. If you find pursuing knowledge easy and fulfilling, better your brain to the honor of His name. Choose carefully and prudently your subjects, consider the stewardship you’ve been given and accumulate education in eternal valued priorities. Then use all your learning and knowledge of Him to cultivate and spawn love for Him.

Entertainment: Where your treasure is, there will be your heart. Pursue in your pleasure the Pleasure Giver. Allow no idol of a good gift to usurp the place—or dim the view--of the Good Giver. Use instead the bounty of your fun, relaxation, laughter, etc to share and bless another…or a multitude of others. Celebrate as if Christ were coming tomorrow, in pure conscience as you enjoy life in the spirit of exactly why Christ gave these good gifts.

Beauty: (gardening, decorating, etc) Creating beauty out of ordinariness is truly a unique talent. Allow no hoarding. Keep it not for your own home, your own wardrobe, your own family or your own choice benefactors. Seek out & share generously this creative booty. Mimic the splendor of God’s creative generosity and splash beauty wherever it is within your opportunity.

Laughter/Vivaciousness: Does God laugh? Is he so riveting in His Being that all attention is compelled to focus on Him? Is he joyful? God’s essence, were it fully known, is so magnificent, so full of splendor, that our eyes would indeed be drawn to Him, surpassing even imagination, at His glory. Share joy with another, seeking out in selfless orientation, the one who most might desire some laughter but who is noticed the least. If you are the life of the party, draw another in who has rarely dreamed of such a place. Use your gift to gift another.

Passion/Emotion: Don’t hide behind emotion’s misuse and abuse. Control and express your passion, your feelings & emotion to the glory of your Creator who once blessed a woman who poured expensive perfume on Him as tears ran down her cheeks---because so great was her love for Him. Image the God who wept over Lazarus, held his tongue at his own unjust trial, lashed out in anger at the moneychangers, and in the Garden prayed with such intensity he sweat drops of blood. Learn when to preach to passions that need rebuke and when to fan the fires of holy passion clearing out the brush of mediocrity, duty and disinterest.

Perhaps I haven't touched on you.

Still, know that you have a divine opportunity, in who God made you, to image Him.

Image Him with honor and clarity!
Remember, it's both a position and a responsibility.

Matthew 5:16 "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in Heaven."

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