Saturday, September 5, 2009

A Solution for @ 49 cents

I don’t know about you, but for most of my adult life I have ended many, many of my serious conversations with “I’ll be praying for you.”
And I really meant it.
When someone has shared a struggle, heartache, burden or uncertain future circumstance, my natural response is to want to join them in bringing it to the Lord. He’s the only One that can effect any change in the situation, after all.
And so I leave their side with my good intention to pray as a top priority.
What happens from there has varied over the years…
In my younger years, I’d turn to leave, join a new conversation and COMPLETELY forget.
Oh my.
Later, as I realized the gravity of my error, I developed the habit of breathing a quick prayer as I parted from them with the intention of writing it down later. THEN I completely forgot.
Not much better.
As my years increased (and my organizational skills along with them), I would jot a note to myself and slip it in my Bible. Just writing it down helped me remember it briefly, I’d pray for the request for a few days, and then it (along with that piece of paper) would disappear into another dimension.
Not exactly what I desired, either.
More recently, I have begun writing names and requests of this sort in my prayer journal. There I have a long (ever-growing) list of prayer items I bring before the Lord on a reoccurring basis. This has proven the best so far of my strategies. Yet, even here, with the long list that I pray through just partly every day, it can get to be a l-o-n-g stretch between requests, and the urgency of the need often gets lost in the pile.
Then appeared before me the 49 cent sale of notebooks at Joann’s.
Walking down the aisle, sorting through their clearance bins, I spotted some darling, little notebooks more than half off.
I picked one up, certain I had some use for the cute and bargain priced item.
And then it hit me.
What if I took just the requests resulting from personal conversations, jotted the name down (and brief request note, if needed), and kept an updated (crossed out) account of requests…
What if I kept the notebook visible on my nightstand next to my bed, and…
What if every morning, as I rolled over to open one eye to begin thinking about my need to arise, I glanced at the notebook…
And… it reminded me of the 7+ current names & needs listed there?
And what if I spent the next 6-8 minutes as I prepared to get out of bed, praying for those people and their needs?
(Of course, if I forgot, I could always peak inside the notebook…)
But, I’ve found (since I did buy the notebook, fill it out & place it next to my bed) that just seeing the closed notebook as I awaken triggers my memories , and I enjoy a few, leisurely moments filling my mind and flooding God’s throne with prayers for those whom I’ve promised I’d pray.
Now, THAT’S what I intended.
And for 49 cents….so far… I’ve been able to make good on my promise!
Now, there’s a solution with eternal value.

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