(Big heady question for the day after Thanksgiving, Elaine. C’mon!)
Ok, let’s move it closer and make it simpler.
Do you know what the will of God is for your life today, this day, 18 or so hours, beginning now until you lay your head on your pillow tonight?
Colossians 1 and the prayer of Paul for those believers give us input.
“…that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will….
in all spiritual wisdom and understanding,
so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord,
fully pleasing to him,
bearing fruit in every good work,
and increasing in the knowledge of God.
May you be strengthened with power,
according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy,
giving thanks to the Father...”
In four verses Paul sums up God’s will for you and me.
(Take a moment to reflect on each phrase...)
Interestingly, this doesn’t say his will conclusively includes shopping, cleaning, eating….all of which I plan to do today.
It does include, however, eternal pursuits that He would have me remember and chase after.
Interestingly, this doesn’t say his will conclusively includes shopping, cleaning, eating….all of which I plan to do today.
It does include, however, eternal pursuits that He would have me remember and chase after.
(This might include taking time to pray for others this very same prayer, reading & reflecting on his Word to discover 'his will', selflessly serving my relatives who are visiting, forbearing in patience the irritations of others--especially the one who I least want to love!, going the extra mile for someone else's comfort, joyfully choosing contentment in God when culture screams its propaganda: "You need to buy this stuff to be happy/content/fulfilled!" or sitting down with another to listen, sympathize, enter into her world & love her through the trial she's enduring, encouraging her in endurance, patience and joy...and join hearts together to thank God amidst it all.)
We live in this world.
But God’s priorities always seem to reflect investing in the next
Will you join me in asking God’s provision to do this work in us,
And then step forward in purposeful steps toward it?
We live in this world.
But God’s priorities always seem to reflect investing in the next
Will you join me in asking God’s provision to do this work in us,
And then step forward in purposeful steps toward it?
Lord, make the pursuits that are close to your heart also loom large in mine. Help me love you and your priorities more than the passing trappings of this world. I need the transforming work of your Spirit in my mind and heart to accomplish this. Do it, I pray.
May you accomplish in my life the truths of this Colossians prayer.
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