Strange the errand, and unique as the blessed Person who undertook it.
Thus to come He stooped from the highest throne in glory down to the manger of Bethlehem, and on His part it was voluntary. . .He came voluntarily on an errand of mercy to the sons of men.
Dwell upon this thought for a moment; let it sink into your mind.
He who was King of Kings and Lord of Lords, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace, voluntarily, cheerfully descended that He might dwell among the sons of men, share their sorrows, bear their sins, and yield Himself up a sacrifice for them, the innocent victim of their intolerable guilt.
- Charles H. Spurgeon
Thank you for your undeserved and infinitely gracious love. Please stir my calloused heart which appreciates so little the magnitude of your gift and instead becomes so enamored with the trifles around me. This Christmas season cause me to see with eyes that perceive, to hear with ears that understand and to love with a heart that is fully given over to You as I behold your glory--this glory which is incomparable, indescribable and unparalleled in magnificence. ~Amen
So deep to contemplate. So wondrous to imagine. So beautiful to accept.