Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Some may have no context for this.
Others may find it a personal, reoccurring, familiar nemesis with particular cruelty.
A few may walk the journey alongside another who suffers, and may know the helplessness of being unable to fix it, but so longing to at least offer help.
Depression can be a dark tunnel with twists and turns of unpredictable intensity and unrelenting depths.
I don't presume to have 'the answers'. But for any that would desire to be a light (to another) or would hope to gain some light (for themselves), allow me to suggest some simple, tested observations.

To help another…~Move toward the one struggling even though your instinct is to move away. What you do/say matters: show selfless, thoughtful, conscientious love in whatever ways are possible and appropriate. Even the small things matter.
~This person can’t just ‘snap out of it’, choose to ‘trust God’ and just be fine. Don’t think of depression as a light switch that can be turned off or on. Saying “Can’t you just choose to look at the good things?” or “Do you enjoy being miserable?’ do not help the situation. If it were that simple, your loved one would have long done that. Instead, be patient, loving, supportive and available.
~Be willing to listen. You don’t have to solve. You likely can’t change it. You can show interest and love by asking and then listening. Just being there without condemnation is a huge help.
~And if there are hard questions that may have to be asked? Your foundation of unconditional love and support will be solidly in place for that right time and place.

To help yourself…
~Get up and do the next thing. Don’t allow yourself to wallow on the outside, even if you feel helpless about what is going on in the inside.
~Go to the Word and fill your mind with God, even if you don’t feel like it, even if you don’t think it will matter, and even if you don’t want to.
~Remind yourself that the perspective you have of life at this moment is severely skewed. (Yes, it is what you feel strongly as your reality; No, it likely does not reflect reality as it actually is.)
~Remember that Satan would love to use this period for your destruction and His glee. Stay true to the unchanging, objective, faithful precepts of God’s Word. This response is within your control.
~Don’t make excuses to cut yourself off from the outside world. You can minister to others. You can attend worship. You can smile and encourage another. Don’t allow your darkness of heart to rob another of the light God desires you reflect of Him.

I remind myself of what I know of God….
He is faithful. He is with me. He is accomplishing his purposes in all things. No evil can thwart Him. No plan of Satan can move forward without God’s knowledge or His permission...and even in the evil events, ‘what you meant for evil, God meant for good (Gen 50:20)’. He can make good from it.

Depression still bows its ugly knee to the Almighty.

And I want to make sure that I don't bow my knee in any way, for any time to the wrong god, but instead fight it with all my (God's) might.

One may not understand it. One may not be able to thwart it. But one can still give God glory in it.
May this be your prayer and mine.

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