(We reasoned that if God chose a world where He ordains sin, then this determination must be because He knows it reveals His glory in some way that a perfect world --without sin-- could not.)
The next day I came across the words to this following song, which gave further, specific identification to one way sin might do just that.
Read (or sing) along and consider this:
If I were free from sin's dark curse, unfallen;
If guilt and heartache I'd no chance to meet.
Then would I weep, in love, for sins forgiven,
Embrace and pour perfume at Jesus' feet?
I've been forgiven! Shall I cease to love Him?
I've been forgiven - from my debt set free!
Now, lifted up, I'll shout and sing his praises;
I'll sing to Jesus Christ, my Lord, who ransomed me.
If but a tiny debt for me He cancelled;
If sin I see as harmless, trite and small.
Why should I waste my riches for His glory,
Or humbly give to Christ my all in all?'
But I am just a poor and sinful, seeking soul;
With dreams of catching just a glimpse of love.
But Love has turned and fixed his eyes and called me,
Lord, I repent and turn to God above.
How great a debt my Savior paid to purchase me;
How great an anguish did His love endure;
If God alone should count me pure and righteous,
Then still I'll sing, my destiny is sure.
~I thank God for my own rescue from sin, and this awareness and gratitude is there, largely because of (and in proportion to) how much I see/know sin’s darkness & evil.
Sin is the ugly, black backdrop upon which God’s white brilliance in salvation can be pristinely observed.
"For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkess, has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ." 2 Cor 4:6
Praise His Brilliant Name.
Thank God he illumines our sin with the glorifying light of his grace and mercy!