Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Grace Card

Jon and I had the opportunity to see a movie this past weekend, and it was good enough that I wanted to recommend it.
It is called “The Grace Card” and it is a ‘Christian’ film. The reasons we enjoyed the film are as follows:
¨ It powerfully illustrated both the cost of and the call to forgiveness
¨ It also showed how bitterness takes an expensive toll on one’s life
¨ It was family-friendly and portrayed Christianity in a ‘this impacts my day-to-day life’ way
¨ It was an enjoyable story with enough of a plot to keep you engaged, and it ended in a feel-good way that wasn’t totally unrealistic (just somewhat unbelievable…but hey, that’s why you go to a movie, right?!)
I’d recommend it to any who aren’t demanding a cinematic masterpiece nor an overt 30 minute gospel presentation.
It will touch your heart and challenge your thinking….at least a bit.

And it reminded me of how lost we all would be without the reconciling work of the gospel, without the grace that allows one to forgive and move on, and without the hope of God’s sovereign plan amid tragedy.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds interesting. If I ever get a chance to leave my desk I may check it out:)


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