A few posts ago I mentioned gaining ‘lost’ time by getting organized. Here are some simple, easy strategies for ‘stuff maintenance’ that can get you started with little to no effort…really!
Don’t own so much stuff that you will be relieved to see your house catch fire.” W. Berry
3 Quick-start Principles for easy results right away.
1) Create a home for EVERY item you own; go through your house and retrieve that orphan clutter. Throw it away or find it a home. Store items close to where they are most often used.
2) If it takes 45 seconds or less to complete a job, do it immediately. (email, loading dishes in dishwasher, sorting mail, hanging up clothes, etc.). When you bring something into your home, put it in its final resting place right away.
3) Observe the 3 minute sweep rule. Take 3 minutes to ‘sweep’ through a location and do all possible to restore order. Don’t believe the propaganda that says ‘since I can’t get it ALL done, I shouldn’t even begin’. Repeat this as needed throughout the day.
Pick A Spot.
A strategy I’ve used for decades is to have one spot where I collect items that will be leaving the home with me the next time I go to church. (note for Tammy, book for Jan, receipt, etc). Then in the mad rush to get out the door, I only have to grab the items there waiting & I’ve remembered all the essentials!
I’ve done the same with a different area on my counter for children’s school items that come home each night, needing my attention. I leave them there (not allowing them to disappear into bedrooms, backpacks or other asundry spots) until I can deal with them (signature, field trip money, etc) and they are sitting there the next morning to remind me to include them in their backpacks.
I’ve trained my kids to deposit their items in this spot, thus saving countless forgotten items and misplaced important notes.
You can adapt your ‘spot’ to fit any of your reoccurring destinations.
Need some motivation?
- God models orderliness. (Creation, sacrificial system of OT, tribes of Israel during Exodus, structure & leadership of NT church….on & on it goes. I Cor 14:33 "For God is not a God of confusion but of peace."
- God commands orderliness. – I Cor 14:40 "Let all things be done decently and in order."
- God praises orderliness. – Prov 31:27 "She looketh well to the ways of her household."
As a ‘worker at home’ (Titus 2:3-5) who continually is growing and learning, I long to efficiently manage my time to the blessing of my family and the glory of God.
This includes being a wise steward of all my ‘stuff'.
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