Monday, October 17, 2011

6 Reasons to Clean Your House

It blesses others. Both within your home and for those who live elsewhere, a clean home can offer comfort and welcome. For your own family, the warmth and efficiency (not to mention the healthful benefits of cleanliness) will provide tangible enablement (organization, surroundings conducive to accomplishing their responsibilities, relaxation, just to name a few). Additionally, if your home is clean, you eliminate one primary reason for not having guests over, and so have a wide open opportunity to exercise hospitality and invite others into it! Enjoy conversation, fellowship, laughter and the many other rich fruits of blessing others!

It images the Creator. He is a Being of order, unimaginable organizational precision, unmistakable efficiency. Display this quality of His in the small way you can bring order and competence to your surroundings. Secondly, He is the Master of making what is dirty, clean. From the thaw of winter’s snow which deluges earth to bring Spring, to the rain which regularly washes away the dust, dirt and grime of earth, He is a purifier. Quintessentially, of course, this is ultimately shown in the purification of wretched sinful hearts, which He makes white as snow. Display his image.

It follows the example of the Proverbs 31 woman. She who looks well to the ways of her household undoubtedly oversaw its cleanliness and order, facilitating each of her family’s successful completion of roles through this means. Imitate her model to the praise of your husband and children, who may not rise up and call you blessed…but perhaps they’ll find it easier, at least, to rise up if breakfast is served in a clean kitchen, free of piles of yesterday’s dishes!

It reflects God’s priority of the home. Titus 2 asserts a woman be a worker at home, identifying the value of a woman’s attention to family and domestic responsibilities. Active involvement in its care and improvement not only evidences obedience to God’s command but also acknowledges that the home is worthy of hard work.

It provides opportunity to pray. As you go about the automatic tasks of cleaning each room, mentally offer up intercession for people or activities who will fill its space. Ask God to grant His rich fruits of unity, fellowship, encouragement, rest, and comfort to all who pass through your door or who spend time under your roof. And while you are contemplating the many people who enter and activities that take place in each room, give Him thanks for the blessing and gift of each one.

You’ll feel better. No, really. Whether you are the ‘messy’ type who is okay living amid chaos or the clean type who thrives on vacuuming so your carpet nap is in parallel lines, you’ll enjoy the sense of accomplishment, order, and temporary tranquility that a clean home brings. Want an easy, inexpensive ‘pick me up’? Make a dirty room clean.

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