Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Does It Matter?

Do you ever stop to ask, is there worth in this small task?
(As you move about your day, in your home, or on your way?)

Loading laundry, making beds, cooking food, washing heads!
Packing lunches, sweeping floors, putting wreaths upon your doors?
Folding towels, writing bills, baking cookies, soothing ills,
Smiling at the one who sneers, wiping noses, drying tears?

Does it matter that you care, that you make the time to share
Kindness to the one who’s gruff, patience when you’ve had enough?!
Does it “count” you stop to pray, send a note, find a way
To show you love, to tell you care, to make sure they’re not unaware?

Does God notice, may I ask, these ‘little things’ that are your task?
And do they matter, do they count? (For this is what your life’s about!)

Well…if a cup of water matters to a thirsty King,
If to His fever’d brow a soothing touch would comfort bring,
If love you give throughout your day in a thousand different ways
Would be fit for Him, then I have news to make your day!

For in each ‘little’ thing you do, in every task that you stay true,
Your efforts are not only seen, but done as for our God Supreme

He smiles at underwear all clean, ironed shirts, and floors that gleam,
Delights in husbands that are fed, sheets that smell fresh on the bed,
Knows when homes reflect his love, looks with pleasure from above

For as you serve your family, it is our God, the King, you please.
“For as you’ve done to the least of these, you have done it unto Me”

So…Is there ‘worth’ in this small task?
To God? Absolutely! (…so glad you asked!)

And the King will answer them, 'Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these … you did it to me.’ ” Matthew 25:40


  1. You forgot to mention "freshly scrubbed toilets." I've often wondered if sweeping a few chores "under the rug" would make my life a little more carefree, but it's impossible to sweep dirty toilets under the rug. Everyone notices:)

  2. Thanks, Elaine! You are always an encouragement to me!


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