Trials for me have been most commonly inward and private, rather than outward and circumstantial. I might desire to tell of my sufferings for the cause of Christ, in the face of sharing the gospel. But, this has not been God’s call for me…so far.
And although some struggles for me may have been brought on
by situations or perceived wrongs by others, even these have, for me, resulted
most powerfully in inward struggles as I deal with their implications in my
heart and mind.
For when hardship enters, so struts in Satan with his
temptation pad and pen in hand.
His strategies are dangerous and far reaching.
In my experience Satan has attempted to use the difficulty
of personal suffering to get me to:
- Doubt God’s goodness
- Doubt God’s control
- Doubt my salvation
- Doubt Christ’s power over sin, mine or another’s
- Doubt my ability or worthiness to serve God
- Doubt my marriage’s ‘rightness’
- Doubt I’m in the ‘right kind of church’
- Doubt the leadership he’s placed in my life
I’m thankful the Holy Spirit is alive & well in this
regenerated heart. He raises the red flag and waves vehemently at each of these
insidious falsehoods.
And then He proceeds to engage me in preaching to myself
God’s truth.
Want to hear the three points of my sermon?
- God is always, ever, and most perfectly in loving control of all things. Personalize that to your current trial. Pronounce and ponder each word in relationship to your situation….always…ever…perfectly…loving…control. No matter how hard the path, how painful the journey, how weak I am, how bleak the situation seems from my perspective, GOD IS THERE IN LOVE & POWER!
- His ultimate goal is the same as mine – the sanctification of my life to bring Him glory. In my trial, I remind myself this is really what I want: His glory. And so my comfort or health or happiness (or that of others I love) is not what is most important. The circumstance which is causing me so much trouble, the private struggle that I bear alone in ongoing pain; this is but a tool in His hand to conform me more to His image that He may shine more brightly. He is doing this. And if more of His glory can be known by trial than by ease, How can I not respond, BRING IT ON, GOD. YOUR GLORY COUNTS THE MOST!
- He sees the whole parade. (Sorry, borrowed this imagery from a favorite song.). My perspective on what is going on is so limited. Like a single bystander in a miles-long parade. Sure, a handsome stallion may be right in front of me taking a dump, but that is not what is going on in the whole parade! From the robust, energetic start of the marching band’s leader to the culmination in royalty of the king & queen’s majestic coronation aboard the last stunning float, the grand parade is marching to its majestic purpose and single drumbeat. God sees the whole parade, directing its every nuance and overarching theme all at once. I do not. Take a read of Psalm 90 to see God’s resume’!
“Lord, you have been our dwelling place
in all generations. Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever you had
formed the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting, YOU ARE GOD!”
And so I preach to myself one of
several sermons I keep handy when times of discouragement, trial, doubt and
weakness set in. And it’s kind of funny, because as I close with the final
‘Amen’ to this message, Satan is nowhere to be found.
I guess this kind of sermon is not
his forte’
Thank you, God, for the
faithfulness of your Word in times of trial.
Lord, I am so weak in these times of frequent darkness and struggle. I
plead for your mercy to keep me faithful, to preserve me, to make my heart burn
most and hottest for you, as I am so quick to falter. Grant this, I pray, in demonstration
of your faithfulness and power. ~Amen
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