Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Anger...and the Sovereignty of God?

In our Adult Bible (SS) class this past Sunday, we were in the middle of a discussion on dealing with anger in a Biblical way.

 I appreciated the emphasis of the root motivations of anger, and the importance of dealing with our outward responses by investigating inward realities (‘What am I not getting that is making me angry? What is so important to me that I’m choosing to get angry instead of submitting to what God has allowed in this situation?)

I also connected with the truth that often our patterns of anger, and how we respond to them (whether in heated outbursts or inward withdrawal/seething) are developed over years and form patterns. These patterns then become comfortable friends which we grow tolerant of, and we can overlook or even dismiss them as ‘that’s just the way I am’ or “I’m not really responsible for that, the ----- made/makes me act that way.”  
In these ways we give ourselves an ‘out’ for being responsible for our anger.

Midway through the hour, an additional point was brought out, and here the teacher got animated and stepped forward toward us as if to share a critically important ‘trade secret’ that he felt passionate about …
“If you come away from these 12 weeks in our discussion on anger/forgiveness with one piece of wisdom only, let me give you this:

Study, meditate, think on, & grab hold of the sovereignty of God.  This truth of God will impact you incomparably.
 Drink deep from the well of God’s truth on His perfect control
 and purposes in all things.
Contemplate the sovereignty of God.”

Rather than try to explain how true that this has been in my own life as I’ve grappled with a truckload of sin issues and personal trials, allow me to simply put forward my agreement.   No single truth about God and his workings (after salvation)  has so impacted my day to day life than the providence and sovereignty of God.  
 May I recommend a very simple, yet profound booklet which spotlights and explains succinctly this teaching?  Enjoy it to your soul’s delight!

 Sorrow and suffering are unavoidable facts of life. But in our modern society they are so deeply feared that few of us ever think or talk seriously about them. Occasionally we may see someone show great faith in the face of severe trials, and yet never ask how that faith comes about. Behind a Frowning Provindence talks openly about these things. It shows why faith is able to triumph in the face of all obstacles: it is focused on God's character and his promises to his people. 30 pgs from Banner of Truth.

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