(This is a repeat from 2010. Do I need to tell you that?)
I’ve had sex on my mind almost continually the past two weeks.
But it’s not what you think.
I’ve been immersed in preparing for our Ladies’ Gathering (that by the time you’ll read this will already be over) on the topic of God’s design for our sexuality. More specifically, God’s Brilliant Design in the Sexual Relationship of Marriage.
Wow, what a deep drink from God’s boundless well of wisdom and grace as I’ve tried to grab hold of his perspective and objective!
(And what a daunting task to try to bring His refreshing intentions to our ladies when I feel like I’ve been equipped with a very small, insufficient ladle…..)
Allow me to share with you some of the overflow.
Someone said, “Anyone who believes the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach flunked geography”
80-90% of men will tell you that sex is the most important aspect of their marriage.
(Go ahead and take your own poll…ask your husband how important this is.)
But why we address this topic and how we deal with it is very important:
N Guilt is not a valid motivation; “Since it’s so important to him….”
N Duty is not a valid motivation; ‘Another thing on my list…o-kay, I’ll add it’
N One’s own interest and appetite in this is not valid as the final motivation –this misses the mark!
N Instead, to understand & embrace God’s design, His intention in sex has to be the motivation.
Our interest in this horizontal relationship (husband to wife) has to be rooted in our vertical relationship (our heart to God).
I’d suggest that the root issue in our sexuality (in general) and in our sexual expression in marriage (specifically) boils down to the simple heart issue found in this question:
Will I view and live out my sexuality from the wisdom and direction of His design?
This motivation protects us from two common, wrong perspectives:
1. Idolizing it – wanting what it was never intended to give: the pleasure, fulfillment and/or love that is found only in a relationship with God himself
2. Marginalizing it – diminishing its significance and beauty, putting up with it as a necessary duty but failing to see and work toward the full beauty of its mystery & majesty.
Ultimately, our acceptance of and obedience to God’s design flows from an understanding of God’s goodness, an acceptance of His authority over every area of our life, and a desire to conform our sex lives so that we impact and live out the glory of His name.
Think on that for awhile. (I bet it’ll take you at least 2 weeks, too…)
What is God’s design in our sexuality? The Bible gives at least 3 purposes for the sexual relationship in marriage, and I will identify these in my next post…
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