Wednesday, April 22, 2015

The Paradox of Weakness

Weakness (like meekness) is understood Biblically very different than in the culture in which we live & breathe.
In our world, weakness is a curse to be avoided at all costs, reflects a lack of worth or effort, is  the enemy of accomplishment, exists as a blotch to be hidden, disguised, or flat out denied.
In God’s economy, weakness is a platform for His strength to shine, weakness is regularly a springboard from which his glory is displayed, and weakness effectively prods one toward dependence on God in contrast to the natural bent toward reliance on self.

In our world: Weakness = bad
To God: Weakness = good

In both ways of thinking, however, most would agree that the experience of weakness is unpleasant, if not downright horrendous.  And so we naturally press away from it, boosting and bolstering and buttressing our strengths.

Satan, of course, does not sit idly by.  He, too, is interested in our perspective and experience of weakness.   He knows an opportunity is ripe for the picking.

What is your outlook on your own areas of weakness? Do you have an awareness of and a perspective on this reality in your own life? Have you thought through what God intends in this?

Am I to run from weakness? Am I to embrace it? Am I victim to it? Am I denier or refuser of it?

My previous post spotlighted women who through circumstances were posed in places of great physical weakness:  imprisonment, torture, hostage to another’s evil intent, estrangement from loved ones,  stolen dignity, persecution of mind, body and heart.

Yet, God did not sit idly by, captive to this evil, as if unwilling or unable to intercede.

Instead, through the paradox of evil-under-God’s-control, He showcased his glory.

And he did this, he chose to do this…..through weakness.
2 Cor 12:9 says “My strength is made perfect in weakness.”

It gives a new perspective on how we think about our own areas of weakness.

Weakness has two sides (like a coin): 
opportunity for God to shine and pitfall for Satan to snare.

The weakness that I most regularly struggle with is not one of circumstances. Instead, the weakness for me is internal: that of how I feel.

For as painful as lashing blows, as sickening as lack of nourishment, as powerful as terrorized nightmares, as influential as interrogative tyranny….such is the strength of my emotions on a regular basis.

For me, it is not reactive or explosive emotions (anger, hostility, fear, lust, retaliation).  It is the silent but penetrating feelings of insecurity, worthlessness, uncertainty, discouragement, depression, the seemingly impenetrable darkness of soul that seems to cruelly linger.

What does God intend in this? 

Are all emotions evil, our only recourse to deny our entire inner world of feeling?
Scripture would answer otherwise: Love God with all our heart, soul, mind & strength. (No part of us is exempt).

Instead, this weakness plays out the same way (though not to the same physical degree) of the persecuted….and asks the same question:

Will I deny my Savior….or will I embrace His plan (and his goodness) even in this difficulty?

·         So on days of deep darkness, discouragement, depression I choose: I will trust God, get out of bed, live for God & others, and not give up hope.
·         In moments of self-doubt and unwillingness to step forward to love & minister to others (not THAT task?! To that person? Do THAT thing?!) I choose: I will trust you and step forward in your strength.
·         In nights of feeling alone, misunderstood, different,  I choose: I will rest in the complete understanding & acceptance of my Savior who NEVER leaves me, who knows me intimately yet loves me completely.
·         When my emotions explode in desire to exult God, yet I’m in a context of reserved ‘hands in your lap” propriety I choose: I can rejoice within-- God sees & knows  my inner joy & rejoices in the praise of His people---however it is expressed.
·         When unfulfilled desires, dreams, expectations for the gospel’s power threaten to detonate within me if they are not worked out,   I choose: I can rest patiently in God’s sovereignty even as I dream big for His name.
·         When my intellectual surroundings seem to drown out the reality of my heart’s affection and expression, I can feel as if I’m emotionally gasping for breath…but I can choose: God’s truth is understood and lived out in mind, body, and heart in different ways by  different people, and I can trust His plan for me. It is perfect.

For me, my emotions daily assault me with weakness.  I’m seeking to view them rightly, while living them out in a way that makes God’s glory shine. Will you help me?

Where does God want to use weakness in your life?

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