Thursday, September 12, 2013

A True Heroine

Second Samuel 20 includes a brief account of a “wise woman” who intervened when her city was under siege.

(A siege was a prolonged enemy attack involving cutting off food/water supply to a city and then waiting outside the city walls until it was weak enough to be entered and overtaken).

The city of Abel had taken in and was harboring a “worthless man” named Sheba who had rebelled and had previously gathered troops to actively usurp the authority of King David. When pursued by the king’s general, Joab, Sheba fled to hide out in this city, taking refuge within its walls.

And so enters this woman, who is not named, to the scenario.

She entreats Joab and the invading army with skill and courage, appeals to their sense of logic and reason, and affirms her city’s loyalty to the King.

She presents a plan of efficiency and sensibleness to Joab (“let us present to you the head of the man!”) which gains his approval, then she goes back to her city and “went to all the people in her wisdom” with her plan to turn over the traitor Sheba.

This proposal effectively saves her entire city: Sheba’s decapitated head is turned over to the king’s men, the siege is then ended, and Joab turns away from the plan of destruction for the previously doomed city of Abel.
(Whew, that was a close one.)

Wow, that was an amazing woman.  A true heroine!

I read a story like that and, after some meditation, think “I want to be like that woman.”
I want to do a mighty act for God that will change the course of history! (at least in my part of the world).
For most of us, the appeal of being part of a ‘save the world’ pursuit is very appealing!
Indeed, God has given us, as part of our human soul, the desire to be part of something bigger than ourselves!

But as I reflect on my life, reality reminds me: God has not given me, not even one time, the chance to be a part of something that big.
Truth be told: most of us will never have the chance to impact the world on a grand scale.

But that is okay, because, for most of us, “worldwide rescue” is not our calling.

I remind myself that to receive the smile of God, our Creator calls me to something much more mundane, less “Hollywood” or Clint Eastwood-like,
more everyday real…

He calls me to be dependable in the routine, ordinary callings of daily faithfulness.

  • Doing the laundry.
  • Praying for that friend.
  • Cleaning up the supper dishes.
  • Pursuing time in God's Word.
  • Getting up when the alarm goes off.
  • Sitting down next to that visitor at church.
  • Cleaning the inside of my toilet.

(No chance to put on my superhero outfit in any of that.)
Yup, pretty unremarkable stuff.

Yet in each of these small links of servant-hearted obedience, God forges a chain of impact that brings him pleasure…and makes a difference as part of His grand design.
Mostly in ways I’ll never see nor understand.
 But exactly according to His all-wise plan.

And HE always sees, knows, and takes delight in His children’s obedience...even the stuff I'd consider pretty small.

I may not be listed in history as heroic.
Never reside in a palace, wield a sword,  or discover penicillin.

But I do want to bring my Savior praise and pleasure, and so I’ll rest in where he’s put me today, I’ll complete my tasks with diligence and joy, knowing to this path He has called me…and I can walk it!

Every mundane, ordinary, faithful step of the way.

What’s your calling today?

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