To pursue, encourage and nurture spiritual life in God’s household, emphasizing heart-level edification and a shepherding-oriented culture among women as well as the utilization of spiritual gifts for the benefit of the body of Christ
- What does it mean to emphasize heart-level edification?
- What is a shepherding-oriented culture?
- How important are spiritual gifts, and how do I know what mine are (or if I have one)!?
I asked several of our EBC women to answer the question and give examples of this from their own experience in our church.
Wow, did they do a great job! Thank you!!
The following answers all come from them! Thank you J, J, H, & B.
And their thoughts give us pause to ask, "how we are living among others in our church?"
What is Heart-Level Edification?
• Edification means “building up of the soul,” and our soul or “heart” is strengthened/built up by pursuing wisdom and Godliness
• It is a relationship that is transformational because it reaches the soul. It must be driven by God's Spirit as He channels grace from Scripture through the giver to the receiver
• Lifting and encouraging each other because of who we are in the Lord, helping us to recognize the intents of our hearts and compare them to God’s purpose.
• Heart level edification, to me, is being comfortable enough to share your heart with someone and be heard, for them to be able to do the same, and for both of you to be pointed to Christ through that process.
In Real Life…
• Women’s Bible studies at Eden have nudged me toward a deeper understanding of the word and desire to know God better.
• I have experienced this in conversation in a small group with one or two other women as we are able to be honest with each other about struggles or questions we have and then are pointed to who God is and His promises to us.
• I was mentored as a teen by an older woman in our church who applied Scripture to my questions and frustrations. This transformed my way of thinking from self defense/justification to recognition and confession of personal sin: transformational!
• Dealing with the heart has been an emphasis throughout the teaching here, not only with women but in the church as a whole. Going through the book Women Helping Women was an eye-opener for me. It helped me see my own heart!
What do you mean by a shepherd-oriented culture?
• Making your choices to be oriented around serving others by having their best interest in mind- which would be a deeper relationship and deeper dependence on Christ. Choosing to love them.
• A shepherd leads, protects, nourishes and loves the sheep. In our independent spirited culture it is not natural for women to follow. Learning to respect and trust another is difficult for many women when that leader seems unqualified, undesirable or disagreeable.
• We are shown and taught to get into people’s lives, not only to pray for them, but to come along side to listen, care, encourage, teach & feed them God’s Word.
• To point other women to God and Godly living by candidly sharing our own struggles and joys of the Christian walk and our relationship with Christ. As Phil.1:11 says, to be filled with the fruit of our salvation or “righteous character” that will bring glory to God.
In Real Life…
• I have been encouraged and nudged toward pursuing God over coffee and conversation with a friend. Sometimes we fall into a rut and all it takes to set us back on the right path is a Godly friend to speak truth.
• For me it has been having women who care about my spiritual growth and who are transparent with me. It has been when they don't always do the convenient thing, but the thing that shows love and commitment to Christ in acknowledging He has put our church together as the body of Christ. Meeting for prayer, discussion about God's Word, follow up with a prayer request, having those interactions seasoned with the powerful Word of God.
• In our independent spirited culture it is not natural for women to follow. Learning to respect and trust another is difficult for many women when that leader seems unqualified, undesirable or disagreeable. Asking "What does your husband think?" Often catches women off guard, but within the church that seems to me to be what Titus 2 is teaching.
• The Shepherd-oriented culture has been so encouraging to us. When my husband and I were going through a difficult trial with one of our children, the elders reached out to help guide, direct how we should think about the situation. Helped us not to react but instead respond in the right way.
What about Spiritual Gifts?
• The Bible teaches that our gifts are diverse and the Spirit gives each of us a gift or gifts to be used to help one another serve the body of Christ. Our gifts are important because we are each a part of Christ’s body and we serve Him with what he has blessed us with. What are you good at? God blessed you with that gift or talent. Use it for Him.
• Spiritual gifts may give you direction in how you serve in your church, I think you tend to see needs through the lens of what you care about. I have realized that I have a deep desire to point other women to Christ and walk along side them as we help each other grow in our relationship with God- I've come to realize that this is shepherding!
• God gives each believer gifts that enable that person to benefit the church in different ways. This is crucial to the health of the very diverse and needy congregation. Consider every opportunity presented, even it does not seem like a good fit or is totally unexpected and/or undesirable
• We are all given spiritual gifts. At least one. Because God has given us gifts they are important. The church is made up of people with different gifts that as they all come together, they help the church function as God intended. To find out what gift we have sometimes is obvious to some. Others may question theirs. If you are not sure, just get involved and serve. To have a name for your gift may not be as important.
In Real Life:
• I try to be willing and able when asked to fill a job. Willingness to serve is half the battle for me. I can talk myself out of doing something because I feel inadequate, so I remind myself that through Christ I can do all things…even speak in front of people. (But I’d rather write and let someone else speak :-)
• I don’t feel that I need to name my gift. I’m not a big “take this questionnaire and it will tell you your gift” person. I just think if you see a need and you are able to fill it, then do. We all should have the gift of helps…all other gifts should fall under that. If it’s not helping the kingdom, does it have a purpose?
• It can be very surprising what new "gifts" are exposed when we least expect it. I hated YWAP when we first began to do it. However, as I prayed and stuck with it, God transformed my attitude and showed me that helping my husband faithfully can be a gift too. Also, if your leader needs you, hang in there and be faithful. God can nurture and grow gifts that were not initially present.
• I have discovered that God has given me unique ways to help His people just like each person in the body of Christ. It is important to first pray and ask God to show you where there are needs that you can serve in- and there always are. I think I assumed that the needs I saw were things that everyone wanted to do and that I would have to wait and see what happened. But after encouragement from others- I am figuring out that there is always room for help. I think the important thing is to not limit yourself in how you can serve. God's power is shown the most greatly through our weakness. When He can be magnified and we can be thankful to be used.
Are you encouraged in this? Challenged? Convicted? Let's nudge each other on in this, as we seek to live out God's design for the church. It's not a spectator/consumer (come & get, then leave) design.
But it is rich in God's provision and goodness!
*This is post #2 in a series that discusses the 7 purpose statements of women's ministry at Eden Baptist Church. We don't intend to suggest we know best, but just that we're trying to live out the Bible's intention for living out together a church that is purposeful, edifying, & gospel-centered.
It would be an encouragement possibly, to have these blogs in a book format. By topic, and or by year. As a friend close by to read their thoughts. To consider. To ponder. To share with others. Thank-you. It's a blessing.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the idea, and I would welcome a "genie" who would have the time to gather, catalog & edit these so they could be presented in such a format. :)
DeletePerhaps I'll make the time one day..
And I appreciate the encouragement, as well!! Thank you.