Monday, March 23, 2009

The Power of A Faithful Friend

Last week our Proverbs study focused on friends and asked the question,
What kind of friend am I?”
The leader for that session brought in and read an excerpt from a recent radio broadcast by Nancy Leigh DeMoss which I will quote below. You can get her entire broadcast at

“…I am so grateful, as I look back over my life, for other people who have encouraged me in my walk of faith, and other people who have helped hold me up when I was slipping into unbelief and fear; people who have helped me focus on the Lord rather than on the giants.”
Sometimes it’s just a phone call. Sometimes I’ll be low and fearful and lapsing into unbelief. I’ll make a phone call to someone I know, another woman who I know to be a woman of faith, and I’ll just say, “I’m struggling.”

I thank God for women in my life who will say, “Remember the promises of God. God is greater. You will get through this. Remember how God has been faithful.”
They’ll help me rehearse the faithfulness of God. They’ll help me look forward and say, “Giants? Yes, they’re big, but they’re not as big as God. Move forward. You can overcome them.”

"I not only need people like that, but I want to be the kind of woman who does that for others. When others are still lapsing into unbelief, I want to be the kind of friend who can come alongside them and inspire and instill faith in the covenant promises of God. "

"Ask God to bring a friend like this into your life, someone who will believe with you—a kindred spirit. Ask God to make you that kind of a friend—someone who encourages faith rather than fueling negativity and fear in the hearts of others.”
"Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another." Prov 27:17

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