Continuing with our focus in the book of Proverbs, here’s another character summary written by one woman attending our study. This version focuses on...
The Prudent vs. the Rotten Wife: How can I be a home builder instead of a home destroyer?The Prudent WifeThe prudent wife is what God gave to Adam in Eden after showing him that to be without her is not good. God designed her to be man’s complement and thus to delightfully and pleasantly complete the human being made in God’s image. She is nothing short of a gracious gift from a loving Creator. By God’s grace she strives to live in accordance with God’s expectations. Her manner of life projects the fear of god and the love of her husband and family as well as her neighbors. One of her chief pleasures is to create a haven of rest for her husband and children. Her home is a safe place where her family (and others) can come to rest and be restored after battling the world system with its temptations and cruelty. She protects this haven valiantly, guarding its tranquility and peace like a champion. Her husband and children know this and thus never dread going home for fear of emotional abuse. He also trusts her with home management knowing that her thrift and industry will add to his wealth, not squander it. She so trusts in God that she is able to mirror God’s tender care to those within her influence. Her quiet, genuine holiness commands permanent respect and affection from those closest to her. Unlike the ring in the pig’s snout, her golden reverential awe of God adorns and blesses all who have the privilege of knowing her.
The Rotten Wife
The Prudent vs. the Rotten Wife: How can I be a home builder instead of a home destroyer?The Prudent WifeThe prudent wife is what God gave to Adam in Eden after showing him that to be without her is not good. God designed her to be man’s complement and thus to delightfully and pleasantly complete the human being made in God’s image. She is nothing short of a gracious gift from a loving Creator. By God’s grace she strives to live in accordance with God’s expectations. Her manner of life projects the fear of god and the love of her husband and family as well as her neighbors. One of her chief pleasures is to create a haven of rest for her husband and children. Her home is a safe place where her family (and others) can come to rest and be restored after battling the world system with its temptations and cruelty. She protects this haven valiantly, guarding its tranquility and peace like a champion. Her husband and children know this and thus never dread going home for fear of emotional abuse. He also trusts her with home management knowing that her thrift and industry will add to his wealth, not squander it. She so trusts in God that she is able to mirror God’s tender care to those within her influence. Her quiet, genuine holiness commands permanent respect and affection from those closest to her. Unlike the ring in the pig’s snout, her golden reverential awe of God adorns and blesses all who have the privilege of knowing her.
The Rotten Wife
The rotten wife emerged when Eve chose to disobey God, trusting in her own understanding instead of acknowledging God’s. The end result of such rebellion produced a control freak whose constant nagging and critical spirit destroy her home making it a battle zone where everyone’s peace of mind is regularly assaulted. It matters little whether she can prepare delicious meals and decorate beautifully for those within her household would prefer to live on the roof and eat old bread than to be criticized and demeaned in luxurious surroundings. Without a safe haven for rest and replenishing, her family suffers as from a chronic illness that insidiously hinders every area of life. Some are even driven to depression and other forms of emotional instability. She seems to destroy all she touches because she disregards God’s truth and ignores wisdom and instruction. Her lack of reverential awe for God betrays her lack of a genuine redemptive relationship with God. Even those women who trust God are prone to this type of tyranny and must battle it diligently lest they bring shame and misery to those closest to them.
(Submitted by Joanne, acknowledging other sources in her summary.)
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