Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Wisdom for the 21st Century Woman

Our Tuesday morning Ladies’ Bible study group has been looking at the book of Proverbs and investigating its rich truth.

So far we’ve looked at…
The Foolish vs. the Wise: How can we guard against our foolish tendencies?
The Prudent vs. the Rotten Wife: How can I be a home builder instead of a home destroyer?

The Biblical vs. the Unbiblical Parent: What does Biblical parenting look like?

The Self-controlled vs. the Reckless:
Does controlling my passions really matter?
Good vs. Poor Companions:
How do my friends affect me? What kind of friend am I?
Sound like old, antiquated issues? Hardly. They’ve been perceptive discussions into struggles that transcend time & generation.

One of the tools our leader has suggested is to think through the Proverbs’ verses that describe the topic and then to summarize it in one’s own words.

These have been especially insightful. (As one woman put it, ‘it’s worth the price of admission right there…”)

I plan to post a few of these summaries.

I hope these personal versions, written by a number of different women, will be as challenging and convicting for you as they have been for me.

The fool has said in her heart that there is no god. This attitude frees her from the restraint she hates. She surrounds herself with people whose attitudes match her own and together they seek to influence the naïve and younger generation. She has a lot to say that is not worth hearing or repeating because it is laced with gossip, lies, hatred, slander and an utter disregard for truth and God’s justice. Her hotheadedness and cockiness leads to bullying and quarreling. Punishment might seem to reform her initially but she only seeks God on her own terms so eventually she totally rejects reform and continues her downward spiral, eager to take others with her.

The wise woman has a reverential fear of God that begins with a redemptive relationship through Jesus Christ. After turning to God from sin she learns to choose good and refuse evil as she saturates her teachable heart with truth. She seeks to associate with those who will challenge her spiritually and keep her accountable. It really matters to her that God is pleased with her lifestyle and whether or not she is hurting others. Her tender conscience makes her cautious about avoiding evil. She is known as a peacemaker and wants to cultivate deep and lasting friendships with God and man.

(submitted by Joanne, acknowledging other sources in her summary)
Consider God’s wisdom for today….does your life characterize the fool or the wise woman?

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