Rating System:
(No stars: instead number indicates coffee cups—As in real coffee, the more the better)
4 – Full flavored, robust
3 – Rich & hearty
2 – Fresh-brewed
1 – Instant, freeze dried
Heart Mocha: HM = Inspirational & Encouraging
Soul Coffee: SC = Thought Provoking. Insightful
Mind Expresso: ME = Mind Workout********************
Feelings and Faith: Cultivating Godly Emotions in the Christian Life, Brian S. Borgman, Crossway Books, 2009.
Balanced, understandable, Biblically moored, theologically developed, practical and passionate. All this from a book written on emotions from a pastor who first preached this as a series of sermons. Have you considered God holds one responsible for her lack of passion just as He does for emotions unchecked?
RATING: 4 cups: SC, ME
When I Lay My Isaac Down: Unshakable Faith in Unthinkable Circumstances, Carol Kent. NavPress, 2004.
This true, hit-you-in-the-heart tale of a mother’s journey with the unthinkable weaves transparent, vulnerable descriptions of her anguish with the solid, unshakeable truths of God which she ‘preached to herself’ throughout her journey. Though the circumstances are sensational and dramatic, the author leaves you thinking on God and His ways and not merely in her situation. God was obvious and beautiful—likely because of the theology-rich pages she penned.
RATING: 4 cups; HM, SC
When People are Big and God is Small: Overcoming Peer Pressure, CoDependency and the Fear of Man., Ed Welch, P & R Publishing, 1997.
Don’t let the psychobabble-like subtitle turn you off. This solid, theologically sound, Scripture rich book explores the roots in all of us related to our inappropriate concern for others’ opinions. Although I’d already read it, the convicting message is one I need often reminder of as I came out of the womb asking, “Did my hair get messed up on the way out?”
RATING: 3 cups; ME, SC
Streams in the Desert, Volume One, compiled by Mrs. Charles E. Cowman, Zondervan, 1925.
These daily devotional readings are classic and timeless, yet profound in their relevant reminders of God’s unchanging faithfulness and unrelenting goodness to bring gold most often from the flames of fiery trial.
RATING: 3.5 cups; HM, SC
We Shall Have Spring Again, Andree’ Seu, World & Life Books, 2008.
Essays of transparent, heart-level questions, struggles, frustrations, burdens and the quest for their not-so-neatly-tied-in-a-bow answers are shared here in brief entries that leave one pondering God and His ways. Sometimes profound, sometimes poetic, but always provocative – she hits the mind and heart with both the incomprehensibleness and yet the majesty of God in all His ways.
RATING: 4 cups; HM, SC, ME
A Promise to Remember, Kathryn Cushman.
This work of fiction blends the story of two grieving mothers facing two of life's hardest challenges: loss of a child and granting forgiveness. Insightful, engaging and unpredictable, the author unravels the journey each woman takes to work through the raw pain, judgementalism and then her responses to God amid all of the circumstances of life that continue to move forward. I was almost spellbound, but most definitely encouraged and pushed to think deeper about some issues. And yes, I enjoyed the story as well.
RATING: 3.25 cups, HM, SC
I own most of these (not A Promise to Remember) and am always willing to lend them out. Just ask! (Even if you're not going on a road trip...)
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