Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Truth in Trial

I just finished a helpful, thought provoking book: The Undistracted Widow, Living for God after Losing your Husband, by Carol Cornish. It was enlightening and instructive, centering on the enablement God gives to respond, even in this most difficult of life circumstance, with obedience and grace and hope.

One chapter was especially impacting, and it struck me as relevant for most any situation in life, not only losing a spouse in death.

The excerpt was adapted (as she credits in the chapter) from John Piper’s writing. She titles it “Don’t Waste Your Widowhood”.

Before you read through it, consider your own current situation in life, especially if you are facing hardship, struggle or trial. Insert this situation (yours) in the title & then in each statement that follows.
(Commentary in italics that follows is my own. I admit some minor adaptation of the 9 principles, as well.)

Don’t Waste Your __________________

1. We will waste our ____________ if we do not believe it is designed for us by God. He purposes and orchestrates all circumstances! But not without thought, care or concern for our suffering. Indeed, it is for our benefit (and His glory) that this situation is in place! But he is there to walk each difficult step with us in loving support & enablement.

2. We will waste our ________________ if we believe it is a curse and not a gift.God’s love, goodness and wisdom are firmly in place in this situation. The circumstance is an opportunity of his goodness; cling to this truth & anchor yourself to Him in it.

3. We will waste our _________________ if we seek comfort from anything other than God. So many counterfeit comforts, even good things, will beckon to fill our need. Don’t allow anything/one attempt to fill the void that only He can satisfy.

4. We will waste our __________________ if we think surviving this loss/crisis/difficulty means replacing what has been lost/broken/changed with a substitute rather than cherishing Christ. God may re-instate your previous desired situation, He may not. The point is to love God more because of this situation than before.

5. We will waste our _________________ if we spend too much time reading/talking/ thinking about _________________ and not enough time reading/thinking/talking about God. The answer is really drawing near to God, not 7 steps to adjusting to your specific trial/concern/issue, etc.

6. We will waste our __________________if we let it drive us into solitude instead of deepening our relationships with unmistakable affection. We need others to help display and tell us of God’s love. We need others to receive the love and help God designed for us to offer, even in this situation. Deny yourself withdrawal.

7. We will waste our ____________________ if we grieve (or suffer) as those without hope. One will hurt, will grieve, will feel the pain deeply, will be tempted with doubt, fear, etc. But we have a focus in all of these; discipline your mind & heart to run to your Hope.

8. We will waste our ______________________ if we treat sin as casually as before. Growth in holiness is one opportunity of suffering.

9. We will waste our ______________________ if we fail to use it as a means of witness to the truth and glory of Christ. How is God working in your situation? How has God displayed Who He is in your situation? The circumstances provide a platform for declaring of God and the gospel. Not a false ‘plastic smile that feels no pain’ but of a God who strengthens in the pain and wipes away the tears as they fall because of a greater, eternal hope.

It is a myth that faith is always smiling. The truth is that faith often feels like the very ordinary process of dragging one foot in front of the other because we are conscious of God.” Ed Welch

Don’t waste a good trial.

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