Saturday, March 26, 2011

O for Grace to Illumine the Mask!

From Paul Tripp in Whiter than Snow; Meditations on Sin and Mercy:

“Sin lives in a costume; that’s why it’s so hard to recognize. The fact that sin looks so good is one of the things that make it so bad. In order for it to do its evil work, it must present itself as something that is anything but evil.”
“Life in a fallen world is like attending the ultimate masquerade party. Impatient yelling wears the costume of a zeal for truth. Lust can masquerade as a love for beauty. Gossip does its evil work by living in the costume of concern and prayer. Craving for power and control wears the mask of biblical leadership. Fear of man gets dressed up as a servant heart. The pride of always being right masquerades as a love for biblical wisdom. Evil simply doesn’t present itself as evil, which is part of its draw.”
“You’ll never understand sin’s sleight of hand until you acknowledge that the DNA of sin is deception. Now, what this means personally is that as sinners we are all very committed and gifted self-swindlers. We’re all too skilled at looking at our own wrong and seeing good. We’re all much better at seeing the sin, weakness, and failure of others than we are at our own. We’re all very good at being intolerant of others of the very things that we willingly tolerate in ourselves.”
“The bottom line is that sin causes us not to hear or see ourselves with accuracy. And we not only tend to be blind, but, to compound matters, we also tend to be blind to our blindness.”

Search me, O God, and know my heart. Try me and know my thoughts. And see if there is any wicked way in me…and lead me in the way everlasting.” Ps 139:23-24a

How thankful I am, God, for your amazing grace which can open my blind eyes and then illumine the light of the gospel as the answer for my sin---not just at salvation, but every day that I live.

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