And when it comes to serving or ministry, I really don’t do well with weakness.
I’d rather serve out of my areas of strength.
That makes sense, doesn’t it? God gives us gifts, we use these exceptional displays of His grace for His work and everyone goes home blessed and happy.
Except it doesn’t fit in with the truth of this verse.
Nor often with the reality of our lives.
At least mine.
When I move forward (or even contemplate moving forward), I resist in inferiority, inadequacy and fear.
“I can’t do that!”
(Actually, I can do it…I’m just really not sure I can do it well.)
Weakness. Not my comfort zone.
Not in grand demonstrations of my own ‘perfection’, but in halting displays of my own weakness. He will provide grace for me, and then spotlight His power.
I had wanted it, however, to come out of blazing victory and bold triumph.
Instead, he blossoms it amid the barren sidewalk cracks of weakness.
I have plenty (of weaknesses) to offer.
May I use them for your glory and not my own bondage.’
God’s grace is sufficient, and He longs to shine His power through it.
This is completely part of the plan.
I have been struggling with my own weakness- the fear of man (which I guess is more of a sin struggle) along with the inadequacy I feel when trying to share the gospel with an unsaved friend. I am often tempted to use my weaknesses as excuses. But as the verse says, God's power is "made perfect in weakness". May God grant me the grace and boldness to share the gospel despite my weaknesses, and allow God's power to penetrate other people's lives.
ReplyDeleteSometimes we focus so much on what we don't have, thinking we just aren't prepared for what God has called us to. My pastor was just preaching on the end of Mark 6 this past Sunday and this stuck with me. "Don't focus on what you don't have, instead begin obeying Jesus with the little you do have."