I just finished reading through the book of Acts. It is the
amazing account of the spread of the gospel in the first century, and God’s
plan for Gentiles to be included in redemption.
The book details the purposeful selection of Paul, the apostle, for this
task and follows his journey in this missionary pursuit.
1st Century: Did the apostle Paul imagine, as he went about his redeemed way after his dramatic conversion, that God’s will for his ministry would include long years in prison or an extended, dangerous trip to Rome via ship & shipwreck while under arrest?
In the years that followed, did he ever question the value
of his unlawful confinements, extended restriction, repeated beatings and even
multiple threats of execution, when he so longed to simply preach the gospel to
the Gentiles?
21st Century: As I step forward in my desire to bring glory to God, do I ever wonder at the unexpected twists and turns of providence in my own situation? Of the unfair circumstances that plague me, of the difficult person in my life, of the ‘weight’ that keeps me bound in a setting I’d rather be rid of?
Do I see difficulty, disappointment, or perhaps just mere
difference from my plan, as problematic?
Is my turn of events an obstacle to living out God’s plan for me?
Perspective: The answer in both centuries is the same, and
it is one of perspective. How one
chooses to view his (her) circumstances makes all the difference!Simply, is God’s perspective absolute in my judgment, or do I hold my own evaluation as supreme?
For Paul, God intended countless contacts, including
multiple Roman rulers, to receive the gospel witness within his imprisonment setting. God enabled Paul while imprisoned to have the time and
resources to pen many of the New Testament epistles. God strengthened Paul through horrendous physical sufferings and
circumstances so that he could speak with credibility to us of relying on
God and of strength amid weakness. We could go on and on…
For us, (of course, we don’t ever REALLY know conclusively
God’s specific ways & purposes), God
may intend that relentless irritation issue, that unkind co-worker, the financial betrayal, or the unfair
relationship to display His grace, work out His purpose, or strengthen our
faith. Perhaps even reveal our sin. On a
more drastic level, one’s persistent depression, terminal diagnosis, or
unthinkable circumstance may be just the backdrop for God to display
Himself…through me!…if I am willing. Every situation is crafted EXACTLY to accomplish
His divine purpose. Will I see it that way…from His perspective?
Resist looking at it from our viewpoint: uncomfortable,
idiotic, painful, illogical, unfair, etc.
Instead, use Paul as an example .
He submissively and joyfully accepted his circumstances (such as they
were!) as God’s perfect plan.
And look at all God did through and with Paul!
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