I vaguely recall the fairy tale “Midas and the Golden Touch”,
where everything this king touched turned to solid gold. (Now that may
SEEM like a dream come true, but imagine anything/everything you hold dear,
including your beloved daughter,
instantly turned to rock-hard, impenetrable gold! I’d bet you’d be sorry, even amid all the
‘stuff’ all that gold might buy to make you happy.)
Anyway, the mental picture I have is of this young daughter
with delighted face frozen in golden infamy…never to return. When the grieving Midas , desperate to find
her inside the golden shell, hits the hard exterior with a huge boulder, it
only shatters into a million pieces…and the girl is no more. Nothing remains,
except gold pieces, dust, and a brokenhearted father.
This strong imagery reminds me of another toxic mix, The
lethal mixture of which I speak is one that sneaks in the human spirit of one
who is not diligent to be wary of it. Indeed, its stealth is cunning as it
weasles into the most unsuspecting soul. And its final end is as devastating as
the imaginary one in Midas’ story, so that there is little (real) life left.
Listen as I describe its progression..
It begins as a Critical spirit, picking
and complaining about this or that, and is typically directed at one
person, organization, or (often)
authority structure. (Maybe at a husband,
a boss, a pastor, a teacher, a relative, a church, or even at “religion”
Left unchecked, the rut is forged and so it becomes easier
and automatic to see the negative, to point out the ‘wrong’, to see the
bad. Over time, in seemingly
indistinguishable ways, a lens of self
distortion settles into one’s eyes ,
scales of ingratitude replace any
reasonable logic and negate any chance of mercy
in one’s view. Almost everything (in
this area) becomes bad; anything good is miniscule, unnoticed, insignificant,
non-existent. Time is enjoyably spent
describing the perceived wrongs with any who will listen, or continues to be privately
rehearsed in one’s mind.
Here I pause to caution and encourage self-analysis: Do YOU have any area where you offer up repeated complaint, objection, grievance? The greater issue here is not really the object
of your criticism (the problems you bemoan—real as they are--are but a small
hand grenade); the greater threat (as a nuclear weapon would be) is the hard
hearted judgement you cast on God & what He’s allowed in your life by this
disapproval. Remember: HE is ultimately responsible.
As you malign, complain, whine, you
direct this to His holy throne. Beware!!!
A critical spirit left unrepented of is not benign. It easily
develops further into one of two harmful entities: cynicism or bitterness,
sometimes both. Combined, the three are
Cynicism is incapable of
seeing anything without skepticism; it holds little hope, is pessimistic and
grows increasingly unable to notice the hopeful or positive at all. People,
relationships, circumstances, even God and all His workings are held in
suspicion, for a cynical perspective breathes doom and gloom , even if it is
amid words of humor or sarcasm. The
offense in cynicism is how it insults God.
With one finite judgment, the sentence is cast on how God is running the
world (or a part of it): It is found wanting.
And everything related then becomes suspect and an object of doubt. At
the root? Putrid, sinful, shameful
allegations against God’s goodness or wisdom.
Bitterness is the final
destination of this lethal progression.
Here ingratitude, complaint, self will, human conclusions, and sometimes anger at
perceived (or real) wrongs are throned supreme…and final. “That boss can never redeem herself”, “my husband will never get it right”, “ my
church is so out of touch”, etc…. The hard heartedness within us becomes
comfortable and familiar, eventually imperceptible, and we settle into the rigid, ruinous crevices
of this rocky cliff ---a place never
meant to be inhabited at all.
Joy is absent, replaced by a murky substitute that takes
glee only in another joining us or when we
get to argue our sordid logic of why the irrational should be seen as
Life becomes small and confined.
When hope and faith
in God is squelched by self’s refusal to accept God’s plan and instead insists
on our own, well, that ends like it did for Eve when she tried that.
Here I caution all of us: Allow no spirit of grievance, complaint,
negative spirit, or self-determined judgement
to long persist. Go to God with
it; He is big enough to fix the situation should it be His will, but know it is
not Him who encourages you to harbor its burden within your heart. God invites you to trust Him (even in things you aren’t happy with), cast your
care on Him (even when you’d rather think you have an airtight legal case to
keep the care and bring judgement on who is responsible!) and wait in patience
for His hand to work it out. But do not allow its waste to cesspool within your soul!
Sip not the brew of criticism, drink not the steaming potion
of cynicism , and refuse to warm yourself with the cup of bitterness . It
remains a toxic cocktail. And fully
consumed, it will produce a heart as cold, rock-hard and lifeless as if Midas
himself had touched it.
Heed the warning of Scripture.
“See to it that no
one fails to obtain the grace of God; that no “root of bitterness” springs up
and causes trouble, and by it many become defiled.” Hebrews 12:15
Very convicting. I identified a few areas in my life where I silently stew. Thank you for this call to reject the sin of criticism.