Monday, August 13, 2012

Up Swing and Down Turn -- I Need Both

 “The word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword…..”   Hebrews 4:12

What does it mean for a sword to be two-edged? What is the significance of this?
One implication is that it can be used effectively in opposite directions; its cutting power is unleashed both in its upswing and downward motions.  Double advantage is found in its contrasting actions.

In considering this metaphor, I glean some interesting applications to Scripture:
  • ·         It offers both comfort…and warning
  • ·         It preaches both grace….and judgment
  • ·         It provides both wisdom….and condemnation
  • ·         It produces both confirmation…and conviction
  • ·         It tells both of God’s love…and of God’s wrath
  • ·         It speaks both of my sin…and of my salvation.
  • ·         It clarifies truth….and points out error

Do we receive equally and respond to both sides of this sword?

I know I can easily turn toward God’s acceptance and encouragement and less easily hear his calls to self denial, discipline, and repentance.
(Maybe another knows well  the awfulness  and  guilt of her sin,  but struggles to consider God’s forgiveness and cleansing relevant or powerful enough for  her!)

It is tempting to bask in the descriptions of grace, Heaven, and forgiveness, and push to the side rebuking portions that reveal my worldly affections, sinful heart idolatries, or selfish. lazy bent.

Do I rejoice, as well, in the variety and diversity of Scripture without discrimination?  Am I willing to give my attention to prophecy, genealogies, ceremonial regulations found in his Word, recognizing God doesn’t waste ink nor emphasis, so these portions are crucial to some aspect of my full understanding?

Do I yawn in disinterest, and skip ahead to the Proverbs? Daydream during that part of the sermon? Skip a certain sermon series when a less appealing topic/passage is announced?  
(Dare any of us play selective roulette in our choices of which portions of the sword we’ll allow to pierce our heart and mind? )

Lord, help me to faithfully put the Word before me, without favoritism or selectivism, open to your Spirit’s work on my heart and life, whichever edge of the sword is yielded. Give me ears to hear…always.

Thank you for your two-edged sword.


  1. Elaine, thank you for the great illustration of a very important piece of armor - the Sword of the Spirit! I hadn't thought of it the double-edged part that way - Debi Heyer

  2. An important and convicting post! I know I'm tempted to keep to the New Testament for my devotions... Guess I'll start in Deuteronomy this week!

  3. Thanks for the reminder. It's easy sometimes to bask in God's grace, (saved and you know it, clap your hands) and let things slide spiritually, but God's word certainly has the ability to cut through the c––p and get to the heart of what we need. Of course, being IN the word is key. When I'm struggling it's usually because I'm not spending time in the word.


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