Thursday, October 10, 2013

Saved Through Childbearing

“Yet she will be saved through childbearing, if they continue in faith and love and holiness, with self control.”    1 Timothy 2:15

At the end of the chapter, after discussing gender-specific apparel, attitude,  behavior,  and roles in the church, the apostle Paul ends with the above statement.

What does it mean?

How would you explain this verse, if asked?

[I’m reminded of my theology professor’s recent statement as we began our week-long class.
“In theology, we are always dealing with probabilities (in interpretation), not 100% certainties.”
This verse and its meaning serve as a strong case in point! But back to 1 Timothy 2:15…]

Looking at the book’s context, the primary assertion of the specific discussion, and then considering other Scripture, we can make the following sound recommendation:

If you live out in holiness your calling in life as a reflection of the gospel, you demonstrate a heart that has been changed, that has been saved.

In other words, many of the women being addressed in this chapter were in the full press of childbearing/childrearing/homemaking responsibilities. If they live out this calling as a reflection of the gospel (in faith/love/holiness/self control), this fruit demonstrates gospel regeneration. Each can take encouragement and hope in her calling!

The application to contemporary women is great:
Live out your calling, whatever it is and wherever God has placed you, with awareness of your gospel display!
 How you live reflects if/how the truth of salvation has been implanted in your heart.

In faith – belief and lifestyle that sees beyond this world and lives for the next
In holiness – affection for God that results in behavior like God: pure, set apart, distinct, honorable
In love - selfless, sacrificial, unconditional service for another’s good at the willing expense of one’s own comfort, preferences, agendas, control, pleasure, and status
In self control- maintain tight, Spirit-controlled reign on emotions, appetites, pleasures, ambitions, even goals/dreams/work/family/ministry obsessions that can take on a life of their own

The reverse warning is implied: If you don't care about the above qualities, this displays a heart that is not saved.

Your calling may not be, as those Paul specifically referred to here, in childbearing.

But the admonition to us all is the same: Live it out in reflection of the God who gave it to you. As a display of the gospel having taken root and growing in your soul.

And in this know the pleasure of God.

1 comment:

  1. I've always struggled with the purpose/meaning of that verse. Thanks for the "probable" answer:)


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