Monday, January 26, 2015

Monday Morning

Hard-to- start, groggy minds & bodies, all going different ways.  School. Work. College. House tasks.
One needs this.  Another can’t find this. Time runs late.
Tension is tight. Enthusiasm low.
A word gets spoken…unkindly.  A small annoyance casts blame.
Irritation retorts its nastiness.

In this stewing pot of icky-ness, I have the choice….add to its caustic recipe, or give life.

When evil is given, in MY moment of response: I can refuse to answer in kind, but instead give quiet, mercy-dripping love.
Ask God for enablement, and give love.

Love doesn’t yell back in response, retaliate with her own litany of irritations, shift accusation to the other (though all may be seem valid, even deserved)…

Instead,  love breathes to herself to get control, tries to think & sort out the source of the other’s agitation, and goes forward to alleviate the need or fix the crisis of the moment.
Then, with words of gentleness and kindness, equips the other with help and encouragement.

Over time, God’s sanctifying spirit cultivates this totally-backward response as a way of life. And relationships are strengthened, offenses are prevented, an example is observed, and the atmosphere of broken people living together takes on a tiny piece of Heaven on earth (at least for brief moments).

This Monday morning will pass. The memories of its interactions will fade.  But life is made up of the collection of just such moments---how do I want them to play out, what do I want my influence and contribution to them to be?

I can’t prevent or control another’s actions. But by God’s grace I can be the captain of my own.

Lord, help me give love---in the form of a soft, gentle, I-refuse-to-be-nasty-back reply that mimics the tenderness and patience of God.

A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” Proverbs 15:1


  1. Great Monday morning reminder only I need to re-read this everyday! Thanks Elaine!

  2. Great reminder for me this morning as Monday mornings are always rough in our house and most of the time I contribute to the chaos by my irritated responses. This was a good reminder to rest in God's grace to respond in way that brings love and unity to our family.


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