Thursday, April 29, 2010

They Will Know We Are Christians by our Love...

When was the last time you sacrificed to love another in your church?

This question was part of Sunday’s sermon on the love of God as displayed in the real life account of Hosea. This man, whose story is detailed in the O.T. book which bears his name, was called to marry a woman who would later be unfaithful, prostituting herself repeatedly.
Even during her infidelity, he remained faithful. Hosea would later buy her off the auction block, redeeming her as his wife.
In this extended metaphor, graphically describing the extent and depths of one long-ago husband’s love, we gain insight about God’s love.
This can also be applied to the ways we would love others: Let’s talk specifically about others within our own church:
> This love takes the initiative.
How easy it is for us to grow comfortable in the familiar routines and with the people whom we know best. We coast along, waiting for meaningful encounters, conversations, and opportunities with others.
This doesn’t follow the pattern of Hosea. He sought out, at great cost, to love another. Next time you attend a service, a fellowship or a picnic, will you initiate contact with one whom you are least naturally drawn to? Will you step forward in active, purposeful friendship to one whom you don’t already know & enjoy? Will you take one step deeper in the friendships you do enjoy to encourage one in her faith? This choice exemplifies God’s love.
> This love is sacrificial.
Which brings us to the opening question. When was the last time you sacrificed to love another? Perhaps by denying what you might prefer to instead encourage another. Do I step forward to the one struggling, to the one whom I haven’t yet met, to a woman with whom I’m not familiar and comfortable? And how have I sacrificed? With my time (to perhaps attend something that would bless another even if I’m not so keen on it for myself), my service (can I offer a young mom some time alone by taking her kids for a few hours?), my friendship (sure, I’m busy, but aren’t we all?!! Can I invite that person out for coffee or over for tea?) or simply offering my transparent honesty about my Christian walk (“I’ve struggled with self sufficiency and it can get really ugly. Can I share with you how God keeps helping me depend on Him?”)
Sometimes this sacrifice might bring me to encourage my own kids to attend a church function even though they have a million ‘reasons’ why they should not have to go. Or perhaps it motivates me to attend an event that I am not particularly excited about, but I know it could provide opportunity to encourage another.
When was the last time you sacrificed to love another?
> This love is efficacious. Okay, not a word I’ve used lately. But it simply means a love that gets the job done. Not just good intentions, not just a ‘good ol’ college try’, not just a half hearted attempt that allows me to check it off my list or assuage my guilt. No, this love perseveres and completes its task. No matter how hard, how many obstacles get in the way, no matter how little the return for myself, no matter how alone I might feel I am in this…this love never fails.
(And as Paul pointed out on Sunday morning, only God can truly live this kind of love out perfectly.)
Love for each other is identified in the N.T. as a demonstration of true belief and also as a witness to the world of our Christianity.
How are you doing?
Ask God to increase this kind of love in your heart & then take a step forward in it this week.

With Love,

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