Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Beach Meditations

I had opportunity to visit beautiful Virginia Beach over the past 5 days, so I thought I’d share with you some of the nuggets God brought to my attention as I pondered, read, talked & meditated from my beach chair as the waves crested and retreated beside me. These came via books I was reading, His Word itself, or through trusted conversation with a dear friend.

Apparel: Though all body types are welcome on the beach, some bathing suit choices should not adorn some types of body shapes & weights. And donning a psychedelic pink bathing cap on your head does NOT distract from what is being displayed below it. Use common sense and a good floor length mirror before going out to enjoy your frolic on the beach.
(Okay, the rest are more serious….)
Parenting: The best and single most important thing that parents can do for their children (apart from sharing/living out the gospel) is to model God’s marriage design. Living out his intended roles in the home as submissive, selfless, dedicated wife and loving, sacrificial and leader husband sets the foundation whose worth can’t be overestimated.
Marriage: However good or badly he may be accomplishing the task, your husband is your chief shepherd when it comes to your spiritual walk. This is part of loving leadership. Help him out by working to consistently, transparently and patiently communicate what you are thinking, feeling & experiencing related to your walk with God. Even if he doesn’t seem interested, doesn’t seem to ‘get it’, or if this kind of conversation seems uncomfortable to you, put forward (in humility) the effort to keep bridging communication in this area.
God: His vastness really cannot be grasped; the enormity of who He is and how His purposes continue generation after generation, unchanging in goodness and faithfulness, is impossible to fathom. But this truth, as incomprehensible as it is, should transport us from getting caught up in the undertow of our temporal, fleeting problems and circumstances. Look to the skies, the ocean, the stars and marvel at our amazing God. Then bask in the truth that His love reaches down to rescue a creature like you.

“For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his steadfast love toward those who fear him.” Psalm 103:11

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